About PE Law
Barnaby McIlrath founded PE Law in 2019. He is an accredited specialist in Victorian planning and environment law with 20 years of experience. He has appeared in hundreds of matters before VCAT, Planning Panels Victoria, as well as acting in appeals and judicial review proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
Our office is located at 4/97 Hyde Street, Footscray, a short walk from Footscray Station.
PE Law offers strategic and cost effective advice and representation in planning appeals, enforcement and declaration proceedings, applications to cancel and amend permits, planning scheme amendments and major projects. We can also assist you with mediations, section 173 agreements, biodiversity offsets and carbon farming projects.
We are experienced in:
- disputes about contaminated land and EPA notices before VCAT and in the Supreme Court;
- major project inquiries and Environment Effects Statements;
- criminal proceedings before the Magistrates' Court under planning and building legislation;
- Commonwealth environmental law;
- claims under the Water Act 1989;
- valuation disputes; and
- drafting and reviewing environmental provisions in property transactions, infrastructure and share purchase agreements.
Contact barnabym@pelaw.com.au for further information about our services.

Matters of interest
Local government and objector clients
- Defend applications for cancellation and amendment of planning permits (various clients)
- Act for valuation authority in $multi-million disputes regarding valuation of broadacre land
- Act for Melton CC in declaration proceedings concerning use of government school land by YMCA without a permit: SGL v Melton [2024] VCAT 894
- Act for City of Greater Geelong in relation to proposed urban design framework for Armstrong Creek commercial precinct
- Act for Macedon Ranges Shire Council in relation to 700 lot development plan in Gisborne
- Defend refusal of freeway service centre in Woodend: BWK Properties v Macedon Ranges SC [2021] VCAT 686
- Defend refusal of residential aged care facility in Sorrento: Matthies Property Investments v Mornington Peninsula Shire Council [2022] VCAT 535
- Defend refusal of 87 lot subdivsion in Kyneton South: St Leonards Property Holdings v Macedon Ranges SC [2022] VCAT 26
- Defend refusal of resort proposal: Apollo Bay Tourism Resort [2018] PPV 123
- Defend refusal of subdivision proposal at the Sandy Point Caravan Park: Prom Country Developments Pty Ltd v South Gippsland SC [2024] VCAT 1015
- Defend refusal of caravan park proposed in Green Wedge Zone: Resil v Melton CC [2019] VCAT 696
- Defend refusal of truck storage facility abutting Western Freeway (Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee)
- Act for local government joint venture in compulsory acquisition of a closed landfill
- Western Port Woodlands: represent conservation groups before Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Standing Advisory Committee
- Existing use rights - act for local government clients in claims for existing use rights concerning Kyneton Aerodrome and a commercial accommodation facility in the Green Wedge Zone
- Amendment of permits: Act for neighbours in relation to several height increases approved by 'secondary consent' for a retirement village (orders secured requiring reduction of height)
For permit applicants and landowners
- Act for National Vietnam Veterans Museum in relation to $50m museum in Phillip Island
- Negotiate compensation agreements with Suburban Rail Loop Authority for affected landowners
- Service station and convenience restaurant in Geelong: Gaage Developments Pty Ltd v Greter Geelong CC (No.2) [2023] VCAT 1416
- Treetops adventure course in Ivanhoe: Amendment C107 to Banyule Planning Scheme
- Act for proponent of mixed use towers in Fishermans Bend and Southbank (with Align Law): Fishermans Bend Standing Advisory Committee Tranche 5 (AC) [2022] PPV 36
- Represent landowner before Wonthaggi North East Precinct Structure Plan Planning Panel
- Act for landowners pursuing variation of restrictive covenant before Supreme Court
- Secure permit for child care proposal in The Basin (with Align Law)
- Secure enforcement orders for unlawful removal of native vegetation
- Advise commercial and industrial landowners regarding obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- Contamination issues: advise landowners on compliance with new duties under the Environment Protection Act 2017
- Draft and review section 173 agreements, works in kind agreements and native vegetation offset agreements
- Act for landowners in review of carbon farming agreements
Enforcement order applications
- Reading v Whittlesea CC [2006] VCAT 2181 – multi-million dollar clean up of unlawful landfill
- South Gippsland SC v Fleming (unreported 2024) - amend enforcement order requiring compliance with bushfire design standards
- Macedon Ranges SC v Scott [2018] VCAT 421 – unlawful dwelling in bushfire overlay
- Hume CC v Perri [2011] VCAT 1206 – illegal earthworks
- Dennis v A J Baxter Pty Ltd [2008] VCAT 2360 – non compliant landfill contours and retrospective permit application
- Whittlesea CC v Plenty Living Pty Ltd [2006] VCAT 2602 – native vegetation removal
- Austpac Funds Management Ltd v Yarra Ranges SC (No. 4) [2013] VCAT 1685 – enforcement of temporary accommodation management requirements at Heritage Golf and Country Club
- Mount Alexander SC v Leech Earthmoving Pty Ltd [2006] VCAT 2497 - native vegetation removal
- Melton SC v Shabani (Contempt) [2007] VCAT 382 - contempt proceeding
- Melton SC v Bailton Pty Ltd [2005] VCAT 636 – illegal works and fill
- Casey CC v Hershaft [2010] VCAT 777 – non-compliant dwelling
- Andsand Pty Ltd v Kingston CC [2008] VCAT 1804 (4 September 2008) – materials recycling and transfer station
- Whittlesea CC v Ciccone [2008] VCAT 393 (11 March 2008) – native vegetation removal
- South Gippsland SC v Dimopoulos [2007] VCAT 2278 - intensive animal husbandry
- Melton SC v Mystical Diamonds Pty Ltd [2007] VCAT 1646 – unlawful fill and works
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation